Astaroth wallpaper Hero Wars

Astaroth Guide Hero Wars Alliance

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. Last updated: April 15, 2024.
Main Attributes Details
Position: Front Line
Function: Support, tank
Main Stat: Strength
Faction: Chaos
How to get Soul Stones: Events, Heroic Chest, Campaign
Tier List 2024 Rank
Hero Tier List: S
Hydra Tier List: A+

Strategy on How to Use Astaroth in Hero Wars Alliance

Astaroth is an iconic character in Hero Wars Alliance, known for his robustness as a tank and ability to sustain teams in prolonged battles. In this article, we will explore effective strategies to maximize Astaroth's potential in various gaming situations, from early to advanced stages, highlighting his usefulness against Hydras, his unique resurrection, and his key role in forming competitive teams in the Royal league.

1. Introduction to Astaroth: A Versatile Tank

Astaroth is more than just a conventional tank; he is a reliable shield for teams in Hero Wars Alliance. His endurance is unmatched, and his ability to absorb damage makes him indispensable in various gaming situations. From the beginning, Astaroth may not seem impressive in terms of damage, but his true strength lies in his ability to protect his allies and stand firm against enemy attacks.

2. Astaroth against Hydras: A Formidable Defense

One area where Astaroth shines is against the formidable Hydras. With his high tank power and resilience, he becomes an ideal choice to face these monsters. Especially for beginner players in the Early Game to the early End-game, Astaroth can be a vital anchor in their teams. His ability to absorb physical damage and protect weaker allied heroes is invaluable in these battles. Even in the End-game, although there may be other more specialized options, dismissing Astaroth from Hydras will require a lot of time and investment in the game, making him a solid choice in many scenarios.

3. Astaroth as the Best Tank: Dominance in Towers and Campaigns

In addition to his performance against Hydras, Astaroth excels as the best tank for various other situations. His resurrection ability is a significant advantage in towers and campaigns, where survival is essential. By using Astaroth in these areas, players can ensure additional endurance and the ability to recover from challenging encounters. Whether facing hordes of enemies in campaigns or defending towers against invasions, Astaroth is a reliable choice.

4. Astaroth's Evolution: From Early to Advanced

Astaroth's potential is not immediately evident at the beginning of the game. He may seem weak in terms of damage and abilities, but with proper investment and development, he becomes a pillar of victorious teams. Players should focus on strengthening his defensive abilities and increasing his resilience to unlock Astaroth's full potential. As they progress in the game, his resurrection abilities become even more valuable, especially in prolonged battles where endurance is crucial.

5. Astaroth in the Royal League: Forming Victorious Teams

Even with the introduction of new heroes and tanks, Astaroth maintains his place among Hero Wars best tanks. His versatility and ability to sustain teams make him a popular choice in the Royal league, where competition is fierce. When assembling teams to face challenges in this arena, Astaroth often takes on the role of the main tank, offering essential protection to his allies and helping to ensure victory.

6. Ideal Team Building with Astaroth: Synergy and Complement

To maximize Astaroth's potential, it is crucial to build teams that leverage his tanking and resurrection ability. Here are some suggestions for forming an effective team around him:

7. Advanced Strategies with Astaroth: Maximizing his Unique Ability

In addition to his basic abilities, Astaroth has a unique resurrection ability that can change the course of a battle. To maximize the potential of this ability, consider the following advanced strategies:

8. Adapting to the Current Meta: Flexibility with Astaroth

Like any competitive game, the meta in Hero Wars Alliance is always changing. It is important that players are flexible and able to adapt their strategies to fit the current meta. While Astaroth is a popular and powerful choice, there may be times when other options are more advantageous. Be open to experimenting with different team compositions and adjusting your play style as needed.

Astaroth's Talisman

With Talisman Astaroth will receive an additional, 80000 points of health and 12000 points of magic defense, leveling the defense with most of the magic penetrations in the game.

So, with more magic defense and health, Astaroth can defend his team against any mage that doesn't have magic penetration, making him strong against mage teams.

Attributes of the Talisman of Redemption
Slot Statistics Max Points
0 Strength +2000
1 Magical Defense +6000
2 Magical Defense +6000
3 Magical Defense +6000

Astaroth Positive and Negative Points

Positive Points

  • Physical shield for all allies
  • Burns some of the enemy's energy from the bottom line
  • Absorbs part of the physical damage from the ally with the lowest health
  • Resurrect

Negative Points

  • Resurrect does not work against Morrigan
  • Resurrect does not work if morrigan is allied
  • The shield protects only physical damage and is not a strong shield

Evolution Priorities Guide for Astaroth in Hero Wars Alliance

As a tank hero in Hero Wars Alliance, Astaroth's evolution priorities are crucial for optimizing his performance on the battlefield. By strategically allocating resources such as glyphs, artifacts, and skins, players can enhance Astaroth's defensive capabilities and overall effectiveness. In this guide, we'll provide comprehensive tips on how to prioritize Astaroth's evolution, ensuring players can make informed decisions to maximize his potential.


Glyphs play a pivotal role in enhancing Astaroth's stats, making it imperative to prioritize them wisely. As a tank, Astaroth's primary focus should be on survivability. Therefore, prioritize glyphs that bolster his armor and health, as these attributes directly contribute to his ability to absorb damage and sustain himself in combat. Next, prioritize magic defense to mitigate incoming magical attacks, followed by strength to improve overall durability, and lastly magical attack for added offensive potential.

Astaroth Glyphs Priority
Glyphs Priority Order
Armor Highest Priority
Health High Priority
Magic Defense Moderate Priority
Strength Low Priority
Magical Attack Lowest Priority


Astaroth's artifacts significantly influence his combat prowess, making it essential to invest in them wisely. When prioritizing artifacts, focus on enhancing Astaroth's defensive capabilities first. Start by upgrading the book artifact to increase armor and magic defense, reinforcing Astaroth's resilience against physical and magical attacks. Next, prioritize the ring artifact to boost Astaroth's health pool, further augmenting his survivability in prolonged battles. Lastly, invest in the weapon artifact, prioritizing bonuses that provide additional armor, thereby solidifying Astaroth's role as a frontline tank.

Astaroth Artifacts Priority
Artifacts Priority Order
Book Highest Priority
Ring High Priority
Weapon Moderate Priority


Skins not only enhance Astaroth's appearance but also contribute to his combat performance. When selecting skins, prioritize those that reinforce Astaroth's defensive capabilities. Begin by prioritizing armor and life skin+ skins to increase Astaroth's resistance to enemy attacks, ensuring he can withstand prolonged engagements. Following this, invest in skins that bolster health to further increase Astaroth's survivability. Additionally, prioritize skins that enhance magic defense, strength, and magical attack, providing additional utility and offensive potential in combat.

Astaroth Skins Priority
Skins Priority Order
Armor Highest Priority
Health Skin+ High Priority
Health Moderate Priority
Magic Defense Low Priority
Strength Lowest Priority
Magical Attack Lowest Priority
Astaroth with cybernetic skin, Hero Wars.
Astaroth with cybernetic skin, Hero Wars.

Mastering Astaroth's Evolution: Ensuring Victory on the Battlefield

Prioritizing Astaroth's evolution is essential for maximizing his effectiveness as a tank hero in Hero Wars Alliance. By focusing on glyphs, artifacts, and skins that enhance his defensive capabilities, players can ensure that Astaroth remains a formidable force on the battlefield, capable of withstanding enemy assaults and leading his team to victory. With these evolution priorities in mind, players can make informed decisions to optimize Astaroth's performance and dominate the competition in Hero Wars Alliance.

Astaroth vs Hydras

Astaroth is a good Tank against Hydras and can help your weaker allied heroes against physical damage Hydras, mainly for early-game players up to end-game beginners. In the end-game, Astaroth is little used against Hydras, but until you dismiss your Hydra Astaroth it will take a lot of time and investment in the game.

Astaroth in Battles

Strong Against

  • Keira - Daredevil - Ginger - Satori


  • Morrigan - Celeste

Astaroth Best Teams

Number Team
1 Aidan, Sebastian, Yasmine, Tristan, Astaroth
2 Lilith, Aidan, Xe'sha, Kayla, Astaroth
3 Lilith, Aidan, Xe'sha, Kayla, Astaroth
4 Fafnir, Artemis, Tristan, Astaroth, Julius
5 Martha, Faceless, Jorgen, K'arkh, Astaroth
6 Martha, Faceless, Jorgen, K'arkh, Astaroth
7 Jet, Sebastian, Keira, Andvari, Astaroth
8 Faceless, Jorgen, Nebula, K'arkh, Astaroth
9 Martha, Faceless, Nebula, K'arkh, Astaroth
10 Martha, Lars, Jorgen, Krista, Astaroth
11 Faceless, Jorgen, Celeste, Satori, Astaroth
12 Martha, Jorgen, Celeste, Satori, Astaroth
13 Faceless, Amira, Celeste, Satori, Astaroth
14 Martha, Amira, Celeste, Satori, Astaroth
15 Martha, Lars, Jorgen, Krista, Astaroth
16 Martha, Lars, Nebula, Krista, Astaroth
17 Dorian, Lars, Celeste, Krista, Astaroth

Astaroth Guide Conclusion

In conclusion, Astaroth stands as an indispensable cornerstone in Hero Wars Alliance, embodying the essence of resilience and strategic versatility. Throughout this exploration of his capabilities, we've witnessed how Astaroth transcends the conventional tank archetype, emerging as a stalwart defender capable of shaping the outcome of battles.

From his early utility against Hydras to his pivotal role in the Royal league, Astaroth's journey exemplifies his evolution from a reliable shield to a symbol of dominance on the battlefield. His ability to endure and protect his allies, coupled with his unique resurrection prowess, cements his status as a linchpin in team compositions.

As players delve deeper into the intricacies of team building, Astaroth's synergy becomes paramount. Pairing him with high-impact DPS characters, bolstering his resilience with healing and buff support, and complementing his presence with crowd control and additional tanking options form the bedrock of success in Hero Wars Alliance.

In essence, mastering the strategy of using Astaroth entails more than just understanding his abilities—it requires a keen insight into team dynamics and synergy. As players navigate the ever-shifting landscape of Hero Wars Alliance, Astaroth remains a steadfast ally, ready to shield and support those who dare to challenge the chaos.

Video suggestion

Video: The 7 best Hero Wars tanks, Hero Wars.

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